ZIAIA TRUST is a non-government, charitable and non-profit service organization, working for the social development and providing relief to the poor and needy people around the world.
Ziaia Welfare Trust was established in 2006 to provide emergency relief assistance to the earthquake victims in Distt. Sadnuti AJK, Azad Kashmir. The volunteers helped many families by providing food, medicine and water.
Orphans and needy students in the surrounding area were helped by providing them with school uniforms, books, stationery, tutors and other essential requirements to aid their future education.
We found that after this initial aid was delivered, more children arrived in seek of our aid and assistance. We are now serving approximately 140, both male and female students from the surrounding area.
Ziaia Welfare Trust, our aim is to ease the conditions of those in dire need and we can only achieve this with your help and generous contributions.
Ziaia Welfare Trust seeks out a world of equality, tolerance, hope, and social justice, where poverty has been prevailed over and people live in dignity and economic & socio security.
We want to be known everywhere for our unshakable, resounding and profound commitment to eradicating and overcoming poverty for the dignity of humanity.
Ziaia Welfare is a non-government international charity organisations. Ziaia Welfare is fully registered with the UK charity commission. Its head office is in UK.
We also have offices in Pakistan Ziaia Welfare helps to support the poor and needy working for their right, providing children the access to Education, providing the poor access to Basic Health Care and the means for Social Economic and Welfare support.
Ziaia Welfare aims to work in removing short term difficulties and is committed to work on its long term goals.
We hope that you will continue supporting Ziaia Welfare in all its projects in the future.

ZIAIA TRUST is a non-government, charitable and non-profit service organization, working for the social development and providing relief to the poor and needy people around the world.
Ziaia Welfare Trust was established in 2006 to provide emergency relief assistance to the earthquake victims in Distt. Sadnuti AJK, Azad Kashmir. The volunteers helped many families by providing food, medicine and water.
Orphans and needy students in the surrounding area were helped by providing them with school uniforms, books, stationery, tutors and other essential requirements to aid their future education.
We found that after this initial aid was delivered, more children arrived in seek of our aid and assistance. We are now serving approximately 140, both male and female students from the surrounding area.
Ziaia Welfare Trust, our aim is to ease the conditions of those in dire need and we can only achieve this with your help and generous contributions.
Mosque Support
We have currently taken the Mosque Projects into the completion of the first construction phase. Two mosques have been built up to the first level and are being used Alhumdolillah. We have 130 to 140 students receiving Islamic education in both mosques. Islamic School Project As a result of the high turnout of children coming for Islamic education at the two mosques. We have started to build an Islamic School to take the capacity ISA. The new Islamic School will provide both Islamic and National Curriculum subjects to students. We continually need your help and appreciate any contributions.
Ambulance Service
We are currently having an Ambulance Appeal and ISA will very soon be announcing when an ambulance will be ready for service to our hospital. One Ambulance costs approximately £5000 excluding onboard equipment. Your kind donations are welcome. Please click on donate button for donations. Thank you.
Community Hospital
Community Hospital Support & Medical Care
Ziaia welfare believes that people from poor backgrounds have an equal right to a decent healthcare. Many women are losing their children at birth due to inadequate facilities being available. On the other hand, people waiting hours for an ambulance or trying to get to a health clinic or facility are all too common. Ziaia Welfare hopes to improve health systems and aims to develop the capacity of low-income people to deliver healthcare equally within communities of poor backgrounds.
Orphan Sponsorship
Orphan Sponsorship Bring Joy to an Orphan's Life As a sponsor for an orphan or vulnerable family you can give with confidence. The money that you give will be given to a child or family. We believe it is essential for our sponsors to have the confidence that 100% of your donation will go to people who are urgently in need of your help. A monthly sponsorship of £30 to £40 per orphan or £45 to £50 per family will make a sustainable and lasting impact on their lives. This is a minimum amount. If you are capable you can chose to pay more and your extra contribution will go directly to help the children, their siblings or family you have sponsored.
Education is a vital alternative to child labour and it offers a long term path out of poverty. Millions of children, the majority from poor backgrounds are still denied their rights to go to school. Poor teaching facilities deny many others the opportunity to fulfil their full potential. Ziaia Welfare proves essential educational equipment and materials to re-establish learning activities, create safe environments, and help restore a sense of normality.
Clean Water
Clean Water Projects Millions of people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water. Instead, they are drinking dirty water from rivers and streams, putting themselves at risk of death by water related illness. There is enough water on the planet for everyone. What developing countries are lacking are the resources to implement equipment to make water sanitary and safe. In developing countries people are often left drinking unsafe water from rivers and puddles. They are also left without working toilets, which heightens the threat of water related diseases. In 2013, unsafe water is still one of the world’s biggest killers. Ziaia welfare is installing wells in communities without access to water that is safe to drink.
Qurbaani Projects
Food Projects Ziaia Welfare is helping widows and helpless women who are unable to meet their expenses for daily life (who don’t have their husband, son or brother to support the family, or they don’t have anyone of them to earn for the family) therefore we support them by providing food and basic necessities for their families. We are currently helping some families on a monthly basis and are fulfilling their requirements. Feeding the Poor in Islam The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: O God, grant me life as a poor man, cause me to die as a poor man and resurrect me in the company of the poor..” His wife asked him why he said that, and he replied: “Because (the poor) will enter Paradise (before) the rich. Do not turn away a poor man…even if all you can give is half a date. If you love the poor and bring them near you..God will bring you near Him on the Day of Resurrection.
Gifts for Families of the Prophet (SAW) Show your love for the Prophet's (SAW) family. Narrated Abu Huraira: Al-Hasan Bin 'Ali took a date from the dates given in charity and put it in his mouth. The Prophet (SAW) said, "Expel it from your mouth. Don't you know that we do not eat a thing which is given in charity?" (BUKHARI AND MUSLIM). There are thousands of members of the Prophet’s (SAW) family who are living below the poverty line but do not ask for charitable handouts. Giving and receiving gifts is an important part of the Islamic teaching as love for one's fellow man is a foundation of the faith. The Prophet (SAW) gave and received gifts throughout his blessed life and instructed thus: Show your love for the Prophet's (SAW) family and give them a gift today.
Food Aid
Food Projects Ziaia Welfare is helping widows and helpless women who are unable to meet their expenses for daily life (who don’t have their husband, son or brother to support the family, or they don’t have anyone of them to earn for the family) therefore we support them by providing food and basic necessities for their families. We are currently helping some families on a monthly basis and are fulfilling their requirements. Feeding the Poor in Islam The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: O God, grant me life as a poor man, cause me to die as a poor man and resurrect me in the company of the poor..” His wife asked him why he said that, and he replied: “Because (the poor) will enter Paradise (before) the rich. Do not turn away a poor man…even if all you can give is half a date. If you love the poor and bring them near you..God will bring you near Him on the Day of Resurrection.
Marriage Help
Getting our daughters married with dignity & pride The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said that "Marriage is my tradition whosoever keeps away from it is not from amongst us". Marriage is a moral safeguard as well as a social building block. Through marriage, families are established and the family is considered to be the fundamental unit of society in Pakistan. The Prophet (saw) enjoined people to marry. He said "When one marries, they have fulfilled half of their religion, so let them fear God regarding the remaining half." This Hadith is narrated by Anas ibn Malik. Due to the rise in poverty in Pakistan, poor parents cannot afford to get their daughters married with dignity and pride and allow their daughters to fulfil this rite. Ziaia welfare helps poor families who are unable to afford wedding expenses such as dowry and basic necessities. Our main focus is to conduct marriages for orphan girls. As the population is 3 quarter million there is more demand for marriage programmes as it is unaffordable for them. Your help and support is needed to run this project. This is one of the greatest Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). There are many more families who are waiting for expenses and are expecting for someone to help them and ziaia welfare have been requested to help sponsor the marriage. A single wedding costs between £700-£1000. We request our donors to help and support us in this marriage programme and follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Infrastructure Support
Helping Whole Communities out of Poverty Food parcels and handouts offer temporary respite from hunger, but unless people are given the means to lift themselves out of destitution, the aid will eventually run out leaving only dependency. Affordable and Sharia compliant financial services are central to addressing poverty. Microfinance services help the poorest earn a living, grow their businesses and create new jobs, pulling whole communities out of poverty
Zakat and Sadaqah
Zakat Ziaia welfare has been distributing Zakat to the needy since 2006. Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and is obligated amongst all Muslims. It has been paired with such a high sense of righteousness that it is often placed on the same level of importance as offering Salah. Zakat is the giving of a small percentage (2.5%) of a person’s possessions (surplus wealth) to poor and needy Muslims. This donation purifies the person who receives it because it saves them from the humiliation of begging. It is the duty of the Islamic community not just to collect and donate zakat, but to distribute it fairly as well. Human Relief Foundation has been accepting Zakat donations and distributing them to the poor and needy for over twenty years. Zakat can only be given to one of the following types of person; people living in poverty and who have nothing, people who do not have enough to meet their basic needs in life, people who are needy and wish to enter Islam, those who are unable to pay off their debts and those who work to give Dawah. Finally, you can give Zakat to those who collect it and distribute it to the people listed to receive it. Giving Zakat to a charity like Human Relief Foundation is the easiest way of making sure your donation reaches those who need it the most. Sadaqah Sadaqah is the voluntary giving of charity for the sake of Allah (SWA). Ziaia Welfare distributes Sadqah to the most vulnerable segments of society. Sadaqah is the voluntary giving of charity for the sake of Allah (SWT) and must be given to those less fortunate than the donor to help them with their daily lives. Donations are most frequently used to supply emergency food, water, shelter and medical aid to those affected by natural disaster and conflict. Sadaqah donations can be given at any time of year and significantly improve the lives of the impoverished and disadvantaged. Muslims believe that any money given in charity will be replaced by Allah (SWT), and so any Muslim giving Sadaqah will be rewarded and will not become poorer. “Say: Verily my Lord enlarges and restricts the Sustenance to such of His servants as He pleases: and what you spend in charity He replaces it: for He is the Best of those who grant Sustenance (Quran Surat Saba 34 : 39)”. Sadaqah is often given as thanks to God for blessings. It is also given if the donor has committed a sin. The Prophet (SAWS) said “Sadaqah extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.” (Ahmad, Tirmidhi) Your Sadaqah At Ziaia Welfare we will be sure to donate your Sadaqah to the neediest segments of society. For the last eight years Ziaia Welfare has been distributing Sadaqah donations in the form of food, water and medical supplies.
Donations can be made to the following account:
NatWest Bank
Account Name: ZiaiaWelfare
Sort Code: 55-50-21
Account No: 59140216
Telephone: Call us direct on 02380019969
Postal Order
You can donate via cheque or postal order. Please make them payable to ZiaiaWelfare and send to: ZiaiaWelfare 196 derby road Southampton So14 0Ds , Hampshire United Kingdom. Cheques must be drawn on a UK bank account and postal orders should be obtained from the Post Office. Please do not send cash in the post
Registered Charity Number: 1146340
Our Projects and Work Events
Ambulance Appeal
We have purchased our first ambulance. Ziaia welfare is deeply thankful to all the people who contributed in making this happen. May Allah reward you for your kindness. Please click HERE to donate. Thank you. printer friendly create pdf of this news item Comments are turned off for this item
Eye Tests Begin In New Clinic
We welcome the valuable support of volunteers who helps us in our effort to change the lives of people around the world who suffer from poverty.
Education Begins In New School
Ziaia Welfare Trust seeks out a world of equality, tolerance, hope, and social justice, where poverty has been prevailed over and people live in dignity and economic & socio security. We want to be known everywhere for our unshakable, resounding and profound commitment to eradicating and overcoming poverty for the dignity of humanity. Random gibberish […]
02380 019 969
Available from 09:00 – 19:00
Address: 196 Derby Road
SO14 0DS
United Kingdom
Email: Info@ziaiawelfare.org.uk